Universal Health Care? NO!

Posted by myGPT Team | 11:51 AM | 0 comments »

Many people think that Universal Health Care is the answer
to our problems. People have looked at universal health
care plans in Canada, Britain and other countries and wish
that we had their universal health care. Not so fast. It
isn't very pretty up close. Countries with universal
health coverage are economically worse off than the U.S.
Also, A hard lesson about socialized medicine

Let's look at what is wrong with the current solution.

* Pre-existing conditions can make health insurance
unavailable or unaffordable.
* Forty-Five million people are not covered by a plan.
(That number is not true, but we will use it for now.)
* People with health issues must pay more to get coverage.
*Preventive medicine is not practiced like it should be.
*Duplicated, inaccurate medical records are inefficiently
handled because they are not electronic. Too many
mistakes, excessive tests, and misdiagnosis are being made
as a result of poor quality data.
* People view health care as a health coverage plan instead
of a catastrophic insurance plan
* Third-party pay system. When you go to the hospital for
an operation, you don't check the bill you receive when you
check out. Why? You don't care. It's not your money. An
insurance company, a third-party, has paid the bill for you.

If I were the person in charge, here's what I would suggest:

If you opt-in to an insurance plan within a prescribed
period of time, then pre-existing conditions would not be
considered. For example, when you turn twenty-one, you need
to purchase your own health plan. We would use attained
age to determine the premium quote. There is no question
that older people use more health services than younger,
healthier people.)
* We can argue about how many people are uninsured, but
whatever that number is, everyone has to have coverage. A
friend's blog shows that the real number is closer to
11,260,150 only 3.75% of the population of the US, not the
near 16% according to the political left.
* All children up to the age of twenty-one would be covered
by plan that would cost about $20 per month per child.
(Illegal aliens would be required to purchase their own
insurance coverage at the same rates as citizens of the
* H S A (health savings account type plans, also called
high deductible health plans,) would be the only type of
plans available. Catastrophic plans should address
preventive medicine. The free annual physical examination
would be provided. This extent and depth of the physical
exam would be determined by the doctor. I would suggest
that the HSA type plans have a deductible in the range of
$3,000 for an individual and $6,000 for a family.
Certainly, these can be different numbers, but they need to
be high deductibles. After the deductible is met, the
insurance company would cover 100% of the costs. All
covered expenses go toward meeting the deductible —
including medications.
* If you compare what people want in their health plans to
what they get with their auto insurance, you will see the
difference. Your auto insurance doesn't have, oil changes,
tire changes, car washes and other related items. Auto
insurance simply helps you pay for a catastrophic event - a
car wreck. Health plans should be catastrophic in nature,
but after the deductible is met, then the company would pay
* All people, whether they are dealing with health issues
or not, will pay the same premium.
* All medical records would be required to be electronic.
There would be a medical database that all doctors and
hospitals would be able to access that contains your health
conditions, health history, medications taken and other
related medical data.
* Get rid of third-party payer system.

What will happen if the government plan is adopted?

"The new government health plan that many politicians
support would compete with private plans. The government
would set benefits, premiums, commissions and payment rates.

The Lewin Group estimates more than 118 million people
would shift to the government plan almost overnight,
resulting in more than 2 out of every 3 Americans in a
government plan. The reason for this dramatic shift is that
the government would continue to use Medicare payment
rates, so premiums would likely be 30 percent less
expensive than current plans.

With more Americans under a government plan, health care
system costs would shift from the government program to
private plans. As a result, private premiums would
skyrocket, making private health insurance unaffordable for
most. Clearly the more affordable government plan could
have devastating effects on private individual and group
insurance plans." Blue Cross and Blue Shield of South

If you wonder if this will happen to the United States,
just consider how well the government runs the USPS. The
United States Postal Service is not even close to being as
efficient as FedEx, UPS or any of the private firms. They
are continually raising the cost of sending letters and
packages around the world.

Another government mistake: Medicare is said to be
insolvent. Study Claims Medicare Debt Will Rise $32.4

Social Security is in a crisis.

If you further wonder what is likely to happen if we choose
universal health care, simply look at what is happening in
Canada and Britain

We all have a critical stake in health care reform, and it
is important that our voice is heard.

Are you unhappy with your health care plan? Do you think
that universal health care is the answer? Don't jump too
quickly into what has not been very successful in other
countries. Consider the solutions put forth here. Also,
you can purchase a high deductible health plan for about
50% less. http://richdayhealthplans.com/blog/?p=75

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